Wednesday 27 June 2012

Reading in my Life...

When I was little no-one really encouraged me to read apart from some of my primary school teachers and my secondary school teachers. Although I used to get books for my Christmas presents but I didn’t really read them, my favourites out of them all was the Mr Men books. I just liked the front covers, because they were funny and colourful.

I don’t really read now because I find it quite boring and I don’t really find it interesting anymore. If I did read I would read adventure books because they are fun. My favourite author is Roald Dahl because he writes really funny stories.

If I read I would prefer to go outside and do something active or just sit down and talk, also I would rather just watch the film and not read the book because then it can get done much quicker. I would like to read inside in a calm and quite environment.  

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